UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

Informational site (selected stuff)

All-Ukrainian Zoological Scientific Conference in Kyiv National University

15-18 September it was held the all-Ukrainian Scientific Conference dedicated to 175-years anniversary of foundation of the Department of Zoology of Kyiv National University named after T.G.Shevchenko. The conference was organized by the Department of Zoology and Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Kaniv Natural Reserve and Ukrainian Union for Bird Conservation. The conference was opened in Kyiv, and scientific sessions took place in Kaniv Natural Reserve. The conference was participated by near 60 scientists of Ukraine as well as representatives from Russia and France.

According to results of the conference the proceedings were published: Zoological science in modern society. Proceedings of the all-Ukrainian Scientific Conference dedicated to 175-years anniversary of foundation of the Department of Zoology of Kyiv National University named after T.G.Shevchenko (15-18 September 2009, Kyiv-Kaniv). Kyiv: Fitosociotsentr, 2009. 532 p. [in Ukrainian]. The proceedings include three publications on birds of prey:

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