UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

Informational site (selected stuff)

Category: Programmes » Monitoring »

Ten years of monitoring of the tawny owl in Kharkiv Region

We already published information on attracting the Tawny Owl to artificial nest boxes in Kharkiv region at our web-pages. The present material is dedicated to experience of attracting this owl species to artificial nests and some results of studying its ecology. MONITORING RESULTS OF USING NEST BOXES IN NATIONAL NATURAL PARK “HOMILSHANSKI FORESTS” If you […]

Monitoring of the White-tailed Eagle population in the Middle Dnieper area

Monitoring of populations of rare Falconiformes is an important tool to organize protection of these birds. For this purpose we have developed the Monitoring Programme for the Birds of Prey of Ukraine. One of the Programme directions is long-term tracking of the White-tailed Eagle population. We initiated the monitoring of the White-tailed Eagle population in […]

Results of Ukrainian-Slovac expedition to the north of Ukraine

25.07 − 1.08.2010 it took place the joint expedition of the Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre and Slovak ornithologists, directed at studying raptors in the north of Ukraine. Our guests was Miroslav Dravecky – coordinator on the Lesser Spotted Eagle in Slovakia, Miroslav Lehocky – expert on birds of prey, staff-worker of the Slovak […]

Monitoring of raptors in 2009

Last year we proposed to join the efforts for monitoring of raptors in Ukraine. Results of monitoring are still submitting to us even after the year passed, therefore we present the data for 2009 only now. Generally, we have received few communications, which do not completely reflect the status of monitoring of falcons and owls. […]

Research on the population status of birds of prey in the alienated zone of the Chornobyl Atomic Power Station in summer 2010

During June-July 2010 we have three times traveled to the alienated zone of the Chornobyl Atomic Power Station (CAPS), which noticeably added to our knowledge of raptors in this area. A number of visits had been also taken before, to study wintering fauna of Falconiformes. Two visits in the alienated zone of CAPS have been […]

Birds of prey in steppes of Russia

25-30 April 2010 a group of Ukrainian and Russian ornithologists, traveling by car on the route Luhansk (Ukraine) – Orenburg (Ukraine) to participate in the ХІІІ International Ornithological Conference have collected data on distribution and numbers of birds of prey. They are presented below. Photo by M.Gavrilyuk, V.Vetrov, E.M.Pisanets, V.Remenny Experts of different profile traveled […]

Results of counts of birds of prey in the Zdvyzh

To investigate distribution and numbers of birds of prey in Polissia we have recently completed studies in the Zdvyzh river valley. The river of Zdvizh is a right tributary of the Teteriv River (the Dnieper Basin). Its source is in Brusyliv district of Zhytomyr region. Further river crosses Makarivka, Borodianka and Ivankiv districts of Kyiv […]

Monitoring of Long-legged Buzzard in Mykolaiv Region in 2009

We have been carried out the monitoring of Long-legged Buzzard in Mykolaiv area since 2000. In 2009 8 of 10 traced cases of breeding were successful (one breeding case was informed by Pavlo Panchenko). Reasons of unsuccessful breeding attempts were the following: in one case birds abandoned the nests, probably because of disturbance (the vicinity […]