UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

Informational site (selected stuff)

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First record of the Egyptian Vulture in Cherkasy region

The Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) – is a rare accidental species of Ukrainian fauna (Kostin, 2004), entered in the Red Data Book of Ukraine in a ‘vanishing’ (Beskaravainy, Klestov, 2009). A majority of accidental visits of this bird were registered in southern and south-western regions (Knysh et al., 2005). However, this vulture was also recorded […]

Studies of birds of prey in the alienated zone of Chornobyl atomic power station (CAPS) in April 2012

In April 2012 we continued studies on fauna, numbers and ecological characteristics of birds of prey in the CAPS alienated zone. This time our works were conducted under the program “Study and revealing in the alienated zone the sites with valuable natural complexes deserving the highest protection status and their passportisation”. Photos by Sergey Domashevsky […]

Migration of Falconiformes during autumn 2011 in the vicinity of Izmail

One of our previous materials had reviewed the birds of prey migration across Ukraine. Based on geographical characteristics we had presumed quite an intensive passage in Odesa region. Thus, in autumn 2011 we provided migration studies of Falconiformes in the vicinity of Izmail City. The results are presented below. Taking into consideration a busy flyway […]

Accidental visit of the Pallas’s Fish Eagle in Ukraine

The Pallas’s Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus) is a rare accidental species in Ukraine. By the present time only two registrations have been known. 29.05.1910 a female in the first plumage was shot in “Askania Nova” (Zubarovsky, 1977). The female at the age of about 1 year was hunted in the first decade of June 1964 […]

Ten years of monitoring of the tawny owl in Kharkiv Region

We already published information on attracting the Tawny Owl to artificial nest boxes in Kharkiv region at our web-pages. The present material is dedicated to experience of attracting this owl species to artificial nests and some results of studying its ecology. MONITORING RESULTS OF USING NEST BOXES IN NATIONAL NATURAL PARK “HOMILSHANSKI FORESTS” If you […]

Mass migration of Birds of Prey in North and Central Ukraine in mid-October 2011

We already mentioned at our web-pages, that migration intensity of birds of prey significantly differs for various regions of Ukraine. However, numbers of migrating raptors can be also greatly impacted by weather conditions, forming migration waves. It is the phenomenon which we observed in mid-October 2011. MIGRATION OF BIRDS OF PREY ALONG KYIV RESERVOIR 15 […]