UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

Informational site (selected stuff)

Category: Programmes » Fauna »

Searching territories prospective to attract the Saker Falcon in artificial nests in the Crimea

From 27.02 to 3.03.2010 we conducted a survey of territories in the Crimea, prospective to attract the Saker Falcon in artificial nests. Simultaneously, the material was collected on fauna of birds of prey. Studies were carried out in the territories of Dzhankoi, Krasnoperkopsk, Krasnohvardiiske, Nyzhn’ohirskyi, Sovietskyi, Kirovske, Feodosia, Lenine and Kerch districts. Counts of birds […]

Some research data on Birds of Prey in Mykolaiv Region

SOME RESEARCH DATA ON BIRDS OF PREY FOR THE BREEDING SEASON OF 2009 IN MYKOLAIV REGION, UKRAINE. Several expeditions of 2009 (April-June) collected some new data on birds of prey in Mykolaiv region. The study area was investigated from the automobile ‘Zhiguli’ and also bicycle. Among the species listed in the Red Data Book of […]