UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

Informational site (selected stuff)

Category: Programmes » Migrations »

Migrations of birds of prey in Ukraine: what do we know about them?

Seasonal migrations are an important stage in the annual life cycle of birds. They are characteristic for most species of Ukrainian birds of prey. However by the present time migratory routes and sites of mass concentrations are still poor known. Except for scientific importance this knowledge is essential for planning and organization of conservation of […]

Common Kestrel with the individual marker

On July 19th V. Kucherenko has taken a photo of the Common Kestrel adult female in the lower part of Kuyalnik Liman (Odessa Region). Anybody who knows something about the object put on the bird’s foot, please give the information right as a comment on this post. Heartfelt thanks to O. Formanyuk for the photo!

Migration of raptors in the vicinity of Kyiv in autumn 2008

Weather conditions of autumn 2008 have caused mass and intensity passage of Falconiformes, which allows us to treat this migration season as unusual. We carried out observations on a permanent plot near the village of Pogreby (Brovary district of Kyiv region) located in the floodplain of Desna River (Domashevsky, 2003). Compared with previous counts an […]

Observations of marked birds

There came a period of bird spring migration, and again we’re searching the sky for silhouettes of our favourites. Quite often we don’t guess that our observations might give an unexpected result. During last decades an individual marking of birds of prey by using colour rings, wing tags or ‘windows’ on wings is rather common-spread. […]