UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

Informational site (selected stuff)

Category: Programmes » Wintering »

Results of counts of wintering birds of prey in 2011 in the Central Dnieper area

In January-February 2011 we have carried out counts of birds of prey to monitor their numbers. The counts covered districts of Cherkasy, Chyhyryn and Kaniv (Cherkasy region), as well as Svitlovodsk district (Kirovohrad region) and Kremenchuh district (Poltava region). Three counts were conducted in agrolandscapes using an automobile. Additive data were received during field visits […]

Counts of wintering birds of prey in the Crimea in 2010

From 25 January to 1st February founders of UBPRC took part in the Bustard census organized by the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station (http://ornitology.narod.ru) in zonal landscapes of South Ukraine. At the same time the data were collected on distribution and numbers of birds of prey. Our team has covered with counts the following regions of […]

Mid-winter counts of 2010

In the period from 16 to 20 January 2010 within the work of the Dnieper Ornithologists Working Group there were carried out mid-winter counts of birds. They were focused on waterfowl, but at the same time the material on birds of prey was collected. Weather during counts was quite cold. The temperature at night fell […]

Wintering of the Long-eared Owls in Ukraine

The Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) is one of the most common and widespread species of owls in Ukraine. However, by the moment there had no works generalizing the data on its numbers and distribution in the country during the winter period. It is exactly the issue this post is dedicated to. To analyze the number […]