UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

Informational site (selected stuff)

Category: Projects »

Results of spring counts in the alienated zone of Chornobyl Atomic Power Station (CAPS) in March 2011

This work continues of our studies of birds of prey fauna in the alienated zone of Chornobyl Atomic Power Station. The Chornobyl alienated zone always attracts researches with its wild surroundings almost deprived of traces of human activity, and with abundance of various groups of animals and birds. We used a chance to realize our […]

Monitoring of raptors in 2009

Last year we proposed to join the efforts for monitoring of raptors in Ukraine. Results of monitoring are still submitting to us even after the year passed, therefore we present the data for 2009 only now. Generally, we have received few communications, which do not completely reflect the status of monitoring of falcons and owls. […]

Research on the population status of birds of prey in the alienated zone of the Chornobyl Atomic Power Station in summer 2010

During June-July 2010 we have three times traveled to the alienated zone of the Chornobyl Atomic Power Station (CAPS), which noticeably added to our knowledge of raptors in this area. A number of visits had been also taken before, to study wintering fauna of Falconiformes. Two visits in the alienated zone of CAPS have been […]

Wintering counts of birds of prey in the alienated zone of Chornobyl atomic power station

RESULTS OF COUNTS OF LARGE BIRDS OF PREY IN THE ALIENATED ZONE OF CHORNOBYL ATOMIC POWER STATION IN DECEMBER 2008 The 30 Kilometer Chornobyl’s alienation zone is poorly studied and at the same time one of the most interesting area. Participants of the expedition from 23th December to 26th December 2008 by car ‘Niva’ conducted […]

Saker Falcon study. Crimea 2008

The Central Laboratory of General Ecology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences started a Saker Falcon research and conservation program in 2006. The project is named «Saker Falcon in Southeast Europe – Research and Conservation». In the frame of this program an international network from organizations and researchers was established – Southeast European Saker Network (SESN); […]