UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

Informational site (selected stuff)

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Counts of White-tailed Eagles at Kremenchuhske Reservoir during autumn 2010

In autumn 2010 we continued monitoring works in areas of autumn concentration of the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) at the Middle Dnieper. Results are presented below. The counts were carried out in key territories of concentrations of these eagles. They were fishponds, sites with high numbers of waterbirds discovered by us in previous years. We […]

Birds of prey in steppes of Russia – 2

In a previous material we have presented the results of studies of birds of prey during the automobile trip to Orenburg for the 13th international ornithological conference. On the way back the route of our travel was changed. Observation results for birds of prey during the car expedition from Orenburg (Russia) to Luhansk (Ukraine) are […]

Counts of wintering birds of prey in the Crimea in 2010

From 25 January to 1st February founders of UBPRC took part in the Bustard census organized by the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station (http://ornitology.narod.ru) in zonal landscapes of South Ukraine. At the same time the data were collected on distribution and numbers of birds of prey. Our team has covered with counts the following regions of […]