UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

Informational site (selected stuff)

Counts of Birds of Prey in January 2009 in Cherkasy Region

During January 2009 three counts of birds of prey were carried out in agricultural landscapes of Cherkasy region. A motor-car was used for the counts; the total route length amounted to 178 km.
The investigations covered: 2.01.09 – Zolotonosha and Chornobay districts; 17.01.09 – Cherkasy and Chygyryn districts.

Weather conditions: snow cover was 10-15 cm thick during counts, the first and second counts were conducted in clear weather with day temperature -5…-7oC, the third count was in cloudy weather with temperature near 0 oC (underestimation is possible).

Results are presented in the table:

Numbers of birds of prey in agricultural landscapes of Cherkasy region in January 2009.

Species Date / route length Total, ind.
02.01 / 63 km 11.01 / 60 km 17.01 / 55 km
A. nisus 2 2
B. lagopus 26 18 8 52
B. buteo 33 43 17 96
Buteo sp. 7 6 2 15
F. columbarius 1 1 2
F. tinnunculus 1 1
Number, ind./km 1,05 1,17 0,53 168

So, the most common species were the Buzzard and Rough-legged Buzzurd, related as 65% Buzzards and 35% Rough-legged Buzzards. However, only 10 years ago the Buzzard was a rare wintering species in the region. Among wintering Buzzards dark morphs dominated. The Kestrel was observed on wintering only for the second time in the region. It should be noted the absent of the Hen Harrier during counts, though it had been recorded regularly in previous years. It can be explained by more severe winter, that is why higher numbers of this species in southern areas are suggested. Absence of the Goshawk is reasoned by the fact that the counts were conducted in agrolandscapes. Low numbers of birds of prey in mid-January can be explained by underestimation and their possible movements to other places.

Maxim Gavrilyuk, Nikolay Borisenko, Alexandr Ilyukha

Map: Counts of Birds of Prey in January 2009 in Cherkasy Region

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