UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

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Materials of 5th International Conference «Birds of Prey of Ukraine and surrounding territories»

Open fileMaterials of 5th International Conference “Birds of Prey of Ukraine and surrounding territories” have been published:

Birds of Prey of Ukraine and surrounding territories – Abstract book of the V International Conference of Working group on Birds of Prey and Owls of Ukraine (Kryvyi Rih, 14-17 November, 2019) / V. Stryhunov (ed.). – Kryvyi Rih, 2019.

The list of contents:

  • Stryhunov V. Results and directions of research of birds of prey in Ukraine in the 21st century. – Р. 5.
  • Mytiai I., Shatkovska O., Stryhunov V. Variation of size and shape of eggs in owls (Strigiformes). – Р. 6.
  • Abuladze А. The Birds of Prey of the Kvernaki Ridge, Georgia. – Р. 7.
  • Tsvelykh A., Kucherenko V. Historical changes of birds of prey fauna of Ak-Kaya Mountain (Crimea Peninsula). – Р. 8.
  • Kuzmenko Y. Birds of Prey and owls of National Nature Park «Hutsulshchyna». – Р. 9.
  • Yanchuk I. Birds of prey of the eastern outskirts of Kryvyi Rih. – Р. 10.
  • Yanchuk I. Owls of the eastern outskirts of Kryvyi Rih. – Р. 11.
  • Bradbeer Р. Hen, Montagu’s and Pallid Harriers in central Dnipropetrovsk oblast. – Р. 12.
  • Ivanovsky V. Patterns of the structural organization of the community of birds of prey in Belarus. – Р. 13.
  • Bokotey А., Strus І., Dzyubenko N.Black Stork nests as a place of interest for birds of prey. – Р. 14.
  • Tsvelykh A. New data for breeding biology of the Scops Owl Otus scops (L.) in the Crimea. – Р. 15.
  • Kotsiuruba V. Breeding stock of Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus, 1758 in Kryvyi Rih and surrounding territories. – Р. 16.
  • Kotsuiruba V., Yablonskaya J. Characteristics of diet of the Long-eared Owl Asio otus L. in the southwest west of Dnepropetrovsk region. – Р. 17.
  • Vetrov V. New data on the nesting of the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Zaporizhzhya region. – Р. 18.
  • Stryhunov V., Myloboh Y., Rashevska H., Potopa A. Recording of birds of prey in the southern right-bank steppe of Ukraine. – Р. 19.
  • Shevtsov A.Distribution and number of black kite (Milvus migrans) in the Kropyvnytskyi region. – Р. 20.
  • Prommer M., Myloboh Y., Gavrilyuk M., Bagyura J.Movements of Satellite-tracked Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug) in Ukraine: Juvenile Dispersal, Migration, Wintering, Threats and Relations to the Central-European Population. – Р. 21.
  • Kitel D., Shamovich D., Heshtaut P. Migration of Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) from northern Belarus by the data from GPS/GSM-transmitters. – Р. 22.
  • Grishchenko V., Yablonovska-Grishchenko E. Migrations of the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in area of the Kaniv Nature Reserve (Central Ukraine). – Р. 23.
  • Domashevsky S. Winter counts of white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in the territory of the Chernobyl radiation-ecological biosphere reserve in the winter 2018-2019. – Р. 24.
  • Kucherenko V., Tovpinets N., Slavinskaya A. Winter diet of Barn Owl (Tyto alba) in Crimea. – Р. 25.
  • Kotsuiruba V. Wintering of with Long-eared owl (Asio otus L.) in Kryvyi Rih and surrounding territories. – Р. 26.
  • Gavrilyuk M. Wintering of the White-tailed Eagle near poultry farms on the Middle Dnieper. – Р. 27.
  • Chegorka P., Mal’tsev I. Birds of Prey in the collections of Zoological Museum of Dnipro National University. – Р. 28.

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