UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

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New Issue of Journal «Berkut» Published

New issue of Ukrainian ornithological journal “Berkut” (2007, Vol. 16, Iss. 2) includes the following papers on birds of prey:

Dombrovsky V.Ch. – Toward breeding of the Spotted Eagle in Western and South Ukraine. [in Russian]
Kitowski I., Pitucha G. – Long term changes in the population size of the Eurasian Marsh Harrier breeding on main water bodies of Zamosc region, east Poland.
Kitowski I., Pitucha G. – Diet of the Eurasian Tawny Owl in farmland of east Poland.
Wiacek J. – The function of the female’s sky-dancing in the Montagu’s Harrier in natural habitats of Eastern Poland.

Complete contents of the issue, abstracts and papers are available at the journal’s web-site.

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