UBPRC – Ukrainian Birds of Prey Research Centre

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Materials of ІІІ International Scientific Conference «Birds of prey of Ukraine» have been published

Modern Study of Birds of Prey and Owls. Materials of ІІІ International Scientific Conference «Birds of prey and Owls of Ukraine»

Modern Study of Birds of Prey and Owls. Materials of ІІІ International Scientific Conference «Birds of prey and Owls of Ukraine», Kryvyi Rih, 24–25 October 2008 / Gavrilyuk M.N., Fesenko H.V. (eds.). – Kryvyi Rih, 2008. – 412 p.

The book includes reports and posters submitted on scientific conference held in Kryvyi Rih on October 2008 and contains data of last study in broad range of questions of ecology, protection and use of birds of prey and owls distributed mainly in Eastern Europe. Materials of the book can be interested by professional ornithologists, environmental workers and amateurs in pedigreed pigeons breeding and falconry.

If you are not an author of one of articles included in the book, it costs for you 25 UAH. The book can be bought in Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogdan Hmelnitsky str, 15 – to apply to Hennadiy Fesenko.

If you want to receive the book by post, contact please Yurij Milobog ym@raptors.org.ua. For additional information just send a message to info@raptors.org.ua.


  1. Abuladze, А. V. Bonelli’s Eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus (Vieill.) in Georgia and adjacent areas. 5−10.
  2. Abuladze, А. V. Edisherashvili, G.V. Results of winter birds-of-prey census in Georgia in February 2006. 11–18.
  3. Andryushchenko, Yu. A., Popenko, V. M. New data on birds of prey and owls in the steppe Crimea. 19−24.
  4. Belik, V. P., Vetrov, V. V., Milobog, Yu. V., Malovichko, L. V. Breeding of the Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca Sav.) in the steppe Stavropolie. 25−27.
  5. Belik, V. P., Milobog, Yu. V., Vetrov, V. V, Guguieva, E. V. Materials for estimating numbers of the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina C.L. Brehm) on Krasnodar Territory and Adyghei. 28−32.
  6. Bokotey, A. A., Dziubenko, N. V. Location and numbers dynamics of birds of prey in Lviv. 33−38.
  7. Buchko, V. V., Cheremnykh, N. M. Trophic links of the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo (L.) in Halytsky National Natural Park. 39−44.
  8. Veselsky, M. F., Kratiuk, O. L. Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos (L.) in Zhytomyr region. 45−50.
  9. Vetrov, V. V., Milobog, Yu. V. Distribution of the Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca Sav.) in the steppe area of Ukraine. 51−54.
  10. Vetrov, V. V., Remizov, A.Yu., Shkrabaliuk, A. P. About breeding of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba (Scop.) in the Crimea. 55−57.
  11. Vintchevski, D. E. Selective consumption of different parts of small prey by Montagu’s Harriers (Circus pygargus (L.) in Western Belarus. 58−64.
  12. Vintchevski, D. E., Koks B., Trierweiler C., Visser E. Satellite tracking of Montagu’s Harriers (Circus pygargus (L.) origing from Western Belarus: preliminary data. 65−72.
  13. Havrylenko, V. S., Listopadsky, M. А. Birds of prey in natural and transformed ecosystems of the Biosphere Reserve “Askania-Nova”. 73−78.
  14. Gavrilyuk, M. N., Gryshchenko, V. M. Breeding productivity of the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla (L.) in Ukraine in 1988-2008. 79−85.
  15. Galushin, V. M., Kostin, A. B. Birds of prey and tolerant ornithology. 86−90.
  16. Herasymchuk, O. O. About fauna of birds of prey on sludge pits and technogenic pools of Kryvbas (Kryvyi Rih area). 91−94.
  17. Gorban, I. M., Dzyziuk, O. I. Birds of prey of the “Maidan” hunting area (Lviv region). 95−98.
  18. Gryshchenko, V. N. Birds of prey in the Kaniv Reserve and neighbouring areas. 99−105.
  19. Domashevsky, S. V. Birds of prey and owls in the “Mezhrechensky” Regional Landscape Park. 106−117.
  20. Domashevsky, S. V., Vetrov, V. V. A new record of the Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus (L.) in the Crimea. 118.
  21. Domashevsky, S. V., Vetrov, V. V., Ragyov, D. N., Dixon, A. A case of the Saker (Falco cherrug J.E. Gray) incubating a clutch of the Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus L.). 119.
  22. Domashevsky, S. V., Kostiushin, V. A. Breeding of the Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus L.) in the south of Kyiv Polissia. 120−121.
  23. Domashevsky, S.V., Kostiushin, V. A., Pismennyi, K. A. A breeding group of the Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus (Cretzschm.) in the south of Kyiv region. 122−124.
  24. Dombrovsky, V. Ch., Zhuravlev, D. V. Rare species of birds of prey in strictly protected nature areas of Belarus Polissia bordering with Ukraine. 125−133.
  25. Ivanovsky, V. V. Results of long-term experience in attraction of birds of prey to artificial nests. 134−138.
  26. Kapeliukh, Ya. I. Birds of prey and owls in the Natural Reserve “Medobory”. 139−145.
  27. Kyiko, A. O, Gorban, I. M., Gorban, L. I. Birds of prey (Falconiformes) in the Natural Reserve “Roztochchia”. 146−150.
  28. Kinda, V. V. A record of the Levant Sparrowhawk (Accipiter brevipes (Severtzov) in the Crimea. 151−152.
  29. Kitel, D. A., Prokopchuk, V. V. Breeding of the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo (L.) on artificial nesting platforms in the south-west of Belarus. 153−157.
  30. Knysh, N. P. Status of population and biology of the Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus (L.) in the forest-steppe area of Sumy region. 158−161.
  31. Knysh, N. P., Stativa, A. I., Bugaev, I. A., Savostian, V. M., Kuksa, Yu. V. Spring migration of birds of prey (Falconiformes) in the forest-steppe zone of the North-Eastern Ukraine. 162−167.
  32. Kostin, S. Yu. Retrospective analysis of Falconiformes status in the Crimea. 168−182.
  33. Koshelev, A. I., Kopylova, T. V., Koshelev, V. A. Birds of prey occupying Corvidae nests in the Northern Priazovie. 183−186.
  34. Koshelev, A. I., Koshelev, V. A., Peresadko, L. V., Dubinina, Yu. Yu. Resistance of waterbird colonies to attacks birds of prey. 187−192.
  35. Koshelev, A. I., Nikolenko, A. N., Gorshkov, A. A. Birds of prey and owls, pedigreed pigeons and pigeon-breeders in Ukraine: escalation of conflict. 193−198.
  36. Koshelev, А. I., Peresadko, L. V., Spenser, I., Spenser, B. Birds of prey of Texas: autumn aspect. 199−201.
  37. Кошелев В. А., Koshelev, V. A. Birds of prey in ornithocomplexes of Northern Priazovie. 202−204.
  38. Kravchenko, S. H. Data on feeding the Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus (Cretzschm.) in Prysamarie. 205−209.
  39. Kuzmenko, Yu. V., Fedun, O. M., Kornienko, T. M. Autumn migration of birds of prey in Chernihiv region. 210–216.
  40. Kucherenko, V. N. Birds of prey (Falconiformes) in Western Crimea. 217−222.
  41. Malovichko, L. V., Konstantinov, V. M. Influence of the Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus (L.) on breeding success of Waders in the Central Ciscaucasia. 223−228.
  42. Malovichko, L. V., Fedosov, V. N., Blokhin, G. I., Safatov, P. V. About birds-of-prey death on the Central Ciscaucasia highways. 229−234.
  43. Matviychuk, O. A., Pirkhal, A. B. Numbers and distribution of birds of prey in Vinnytsia region. 235−240.
  44. Matsiura, O. V., Matsiura, M. V. Black-Sea-region-meteorological-condition influence on time and intensity of migration of some birds-of-prey species in the Middle East. 241−248.
  45. Melnikov, V. N. Falcons (Falco) in the east of the upper Volga region. 249−254.
  46. Milobog, Yu. V., Vetrov, V. V. Current status of the Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus (Gm.) in Ukraine. 255−259.
  47. Mistriukova, L. M. Peculiarities of Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus (L.) breeding in Bilogrudivskyi Forest of Uman district. 260−262.
  48. Mitiay, I. S., Strihunov, V. I. Problems and prospectives of studying egg forms of Falconiformes. 263−273.
  49. Moroz, V. A., Halushchenko, S. V., Rusin, M. Yu. Data on numbers of birds of prey in Provalskaia steppe. 274−278.
  50. Nadtochy, A. S. New records of the Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus (Cretzschm.) in Kharkiv region. 279−280.
  51. Oleinik, D. S., Redinov, K. A., Formaniuk, O. A. About migration of birds of prey across the Kinburn Peninsula in autumn 2006. 281−285.
  52. Petrovych, Z. O., Redinov, K. O. Revealing the concentration site of Red-footed Falcons (Falco vespertinus L.) during autumn migration in the North-Western Black Sea area. 286−289.
  53. Petrovych, Z. O., Redinov, K. O. Breeding birds of prey on the Kinburn Peninsula. 290−295.
  54. Petrovnin, S. V. Use of different types of falconry perches when keeping birds of prey. 296−299.
  55. Pilipenko, D. V. Birds of prey of artificial forests in the south of Donetsk region: historical review and current status. 300−306.
  56. Pismennyi, K. A. Breeding of the Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus (Gm.) in Kyiv region and problems of its adaptation to human economic activity. 307−311.
  57. Polishchuk, I. K. Influence of snow cover on the diet of the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus (L.) in the Biosphere Reserve “Askania-Nova”. 312−318.
  58. Ponomarenko, O. L. Comparative analysis of feeding of the Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis (L.) and Buzzard (Buteo buteo (L.) in Prisamarie (Dnipropetrovk region). 319−325.
  59. Redinov, K. O., Petrovych, Z. O., Oliynyk, D. S. The Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis (L.) in Mykolayiv region. 326−337.
  60. Redinov, K. O., Petrovych, Z. O., Formaniuk, O. O., Panchenko, P. S. Winter records of the Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga Pall.) and Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos (L.) in the North-Western Black Sea area. 338−343.
  61. Remizov, A. Yu., Vetrov, V. V. A find of nestlings of the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo (L.) in the Crimea. 344.
  62. Seliverstov, N. M. Problems and prospectives of studying egg colouration of birds of prey (Falconifomes). 345−349.
  63. Strihunov, V. I. History of Ukrainian Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls. 350−353.
  64. Syzhko, V. V. About the status of the Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga Pall.) and the Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca Sav.) in Dnipropetrovsk region. 354−358.
  65. Fesenko, H. V. Ethic and natural aspects of the conflict between amateur pigeon-breeding and protection of birds of prey and owls. 359−363.
  66. Tsvelykh, A. N. Wintering of the Buzzard (Buteo buteo (L.) in Mountainous Crimea. Analysis of colouration morphs and population origin of wintering birds. 364−369.
  67. Tsvelykh, A. N. Fauna of birds of prey of Mountainous Crimea in Upper Pleistocene. 370−373.
  68. Chaplyhina, A. B. Ecological characteristics of the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus (L.) in urban landscapes (in Kharkiv in particular). 374−377.
  69. Shevtsov, A. O. Current status of population of the Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus (Cretzschm.) in Kirovohrad region. 379−384.
  70. Shepel, A. I. Some results of studying trophic links of birds of prey (according to meetings in North Eurasia). 385−389.
  71. Shergalin, E. E. The history of falconry in the Crimea. 390−394.
  72. Yanchuk, I. S. Birds of prey (Falconiformes) in the eastern outskirts of Kryvyi Rih. 395−401.

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